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Sacha Lord Takes Out Billboard Above Conservative Party Conference

Sacha Lord sent a powerful message to Rishi Sunak during the Conservative Party Conference, taking a stance against his treatment of Freelancers during the pandemic.

Rishi Billboard

Sacha Lord Takes on the Tories

Sacha Lord took out the largest digital screen in Manchester city centre, which played directly above the Conservative Party Conference in October 2023.

Explaining the decision, Sacha said:

"During the pandemic, we witnessed the complete and utter decimation of the events industry. Freelancers were left with no financial support whatsoever.

I witnessed families break up, marriages dissolve, houses repossessed and I also know of two people who took their own lives.

There were in total 3.8 million self-employed people who were left to fend for themselves and at the time, none of us could work out why the Chancellor was doing this.

But now we know. When told on camera that "there are 3 million votes and if you don't sort the gaps in support they will not vote Conservative at the next general election" he simply replied, "as it turned out, lots of them probably were not Conservative in the first place."

Rishi Sunak left 3.8 million people out to dry because he didn't believe they would vote Conservative.

He put politics before lives.

So if you were one of those people who were excluded or had your lives ruined, this billboard is for you.

This must never, ever happen again."

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